First time!I bought something from 7-Eleven『Smoothie made at the store』

I bought 7-Eleven's 【store-made smoothie】for the first time. The store I went to had a freezer case in front of the cash register, and there were smoothies inside. 4 types in total ! Which should we choose? Even though I was worried, I c…

Japanese DNA

What makes Japanese people feel nostalgic? Is it part of the Japanese DNA? It's probably a 【和】 thing. Although there are many Japanese people who cannot wear a kimono themselves, For some reason, whenever I see someone wearing a kimono…

How are you doing on your days off?

休日はきちんと休むようにしたら、いろいろと調子がいい If I make sure to rest properly on holidays, I feel better in many ways. 仕事はもちろんダイエットも休日は全部お休み Work and diet are closed on holidays 休日、何を楽しんでいるかききたい…

To the friends I will meet in the future

日本人なのに英語がペラペラに話せる人ってかっこいい People who are Japanese but can speak English fluently are cool. そんな存在に自分もなりたい I want to be like that too しかし、私は英語が話せません、英語を勉強してあなたときちんと話したい…